After School Program
The primary purpose of this program is to enhance academic achievement. We also provide children with opportunities to engage in activities that benefit them socially, emotionally, and physically. The program includes homework time, learning activities, snack and recreation. The activities are conducted and planned by staff trained to meet the needs of our children and to be positive adult role models. The program is flexible to accommodate children from different age groups and at the same time to fulfill the special needs of the individual child. The After School Enrichment Program is designed to supplement and support the child’s experiences at school and at home.
To create an asset-based environment that fosters opportunities for the development of the child in areas of:
- Focusing on academic achievement within the areas of language arts, math, and science.
- Focusing on physical fitness skills.
- Focusing on self-sufficiency, personal wellness, and healthy behaviors.
- Focusing on interpersonal/social relationships and behavioral standards including respect, responsibility, honesty, and caring.
To develop the inner strength of young people through:
- Focusing on increasing self-confidence and feelings of self worth.
- Focusing on increasing each individual’s recognition and appreciation of their own uniqueness, and motivating them to grow toward their full potential.
- Focusing on character development values of honesty, caring, respect, and responsibility.
To support and strengthen the family unit by:
- Providing opportunities for parents to participate in constructive activities with their children thereby assisting the family’s ability to function effectively as a unit.
- Improving the ability of parents and children to communicate with, and better understand each other.
- Increasing the ability of family members to express concern and appreciation for one anothe
- Allowing parents to have a feeling of confidence that their children are safe and well cared for.
Character Development
At the Alta Public Schools After School Enrichment Program, we are meeting the changing conditions of the times by committing to teach the following character development principles in all our programs. They are:
To treat others as you would have them treat you. To value the worth of each person, including yourself.
To do what we ought to do. To be accountable for your behavior, actions, and obligations.
To tell the truth. To be worthy of trust. To have integrity; making sure every action matches your values.
![]() CARING
To love others. To be sensitive to the well being of others. To help others.
Homework time is extremely important to the students’ success in the Alta Public Schools After School Enrichment Program.- Homework time is to be very similar to instructional classroom time. Homework time is quiet time with the only noises being the teachers, aides and tutors assisting a student. You should talk in a low tone so as to not disturb the other students.
- During homework assistance hour, classrooms are used. It is very important that all items in the classroom are left alone and not used. All needed supplies are to be supplied by the after school program and the teachers items are not to be used.
- The program leader is to be actively assisting students with their work. The program leader should be moving about the room, monitoring the progress of the students. Some students will not raise their hands to ask for help and it is important that these students receive the help they need as well.
- Students not having homework assigned by the teacher for that particular day may read silently or work on academic packets of extra work provided by the program leader. Math and literacy games may be permitted at the discretion of your site director.
- In the Parent Agreement that was signed by the parents when their child enrolled, it clearly states that homework time is only ONE HOUR in length. After the homework hour all students are to join activities, even if their homework is not completed (elementary schools only). If a child is continually unable to complete his/her homework, then their parent and teacher need to be notified.